Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Chocolove Extra Strong 77%

It’s surprising how mild this bar is at 77%. It’s sweet for this percentage, and the added cocoa butter is very evident, though slightly on the waxy side. It melts smoothly but it feels a little on the hard side and take a bit of effort to really get into it. Like the strong dark 70% the bitter element is kept in check but there’s more chocolate flavor and a little more of the astringent taste. It’s not exactly fruity, but there is some sort of forbidden fruit poking its head out, but pushed right back in. It’s plenty chocolatey, but certainly not enough to floor me. Some might say that it’s a good balance, but I prefer much richer and creamier. It tastes neat and polite- not exactly the sort that a chocophile as myself would reach for.

Flowers I Would Bring

Flowers I would bring if flowers could make thee fairer,
And music, if the Muse were dear to thee;
(For loving these would make thee love the bearer)
But sweetest songs forget their melody,
And loveliest flowers would but conceal the wearer:-
A rose I mark’d, and might have pluck’d; but she
Blush’d as she bent, imploring me to spare her,
Nor spoil her beauty by such rivalry.
Alas! And with what gifts shall I pursue thee,
What offerings bring, what treasures lay before thee;
When earth with all her floral train doth woo thee,
And all old poets and old songs adore thee;
And love to thee is naught; from passionate mood
Secur’d by joy’s complacent plentitude!

Aubrey Thomas De Vere


flute said...

I remembered that you had a blog about chocolate and wanted to say that I had a bar of green and blacks 70% organic dark. Quite interesting because of the dry yet sweet taste without too much of an aftertaste. Not as bitter as I thought it would be. Actually it was the first time I've had anything with THAT high a cocoa content. I've been a fan of the basic Ghirardelli dark or Dove dark, but I am going to use your blog as a guide to try some new stuff. Quite brilliant! I'll let you know how it goes!

candoor said...

no, this can not be, cannot... you cannot be gone completely, you must be somewhere, just not recently connected to this blog or this blogger profile, yes... that's it... so where are you? (ever the hopeful optimist, i am)...

we share a love of chocolate on a level that words will never describe, but reading your chocolate writings lets me know that we are chocolate soulmates (i just coimced the term, laughing at the dramatic hello i am leaving here... if you knew me, you'd laugh too, but then, alas, if you are no longer connected with this blog you may never know... oh, the great loss that would be... ever the drama, no doubt)...

hopefully you'll continue someday because i'll be reading and trying chocolate you suggest... meanwhile, i'm marking this blog so i can come back and finish reading it...

such a mystery... why did it end?... where is the chocolate now?... i mean, where are you now?...

i found the one entry in your flute blog fascinating from a different perspective as i love number and music and must explore that entry and the piece more...

for the moment, no time, must meet friends and do offline stuff... i spend little time online these days compared to earlier in the decade, but you give me a reason to return to explore more so i shall...

when, i ask myself...

i sent the question to myself in a text message and hopefully i'll find an answer soon :)

and if we never actually communicate, i hope you love your life as much as chocolate and you enjoy a happy and healthy and beautiful new year :)